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i think i'm moving faster than the main part of russian youth but i'm still being under the western fashion's breath. i'm pretty mediocre actually ^^
i hate understanding this)
this is so teen =)
but anyways...
i love fashion. and this summer i got excited for some things.opened a lot to myself and clarified my style lil bit xP like - what i actually wanna wear.
but now! i see all this stuff being used a lot too! moscow public, my friends will get excited but I know this is just not fresh and original. =|
i dont like using someones ideas, not mines. especially mass fashion's MIND =S
military boots + socks or tights or better - half hose. this is so awesome to me now!) i thought i was awesome figuring this out xP but HAAAA) HELL YEAH)
this is like a trend again) the one and only difference is that masses will assume this later.
and moscow society even later.

dont matter what ppl think - i suck =|

though i think those boots are cool =P

aaand. i find french youth pretty mediocre too xP but still more fashionable and open-minded than us, russians.
and no, i aint cool xP i really dont think so) like it's not possible to dress yourself in a cool way xPP

@темы: thinking out loud

16.10.2010 в 02:54

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
you ARE cool, coz u can predict wat will be in fashion) haha, same problem here, lol)
as i started wearing clothes frm all saints and guess wat? everyone in my uni wears it now! damn those artists))))
16.10.2010 в 03:03

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noooo - i just did it bit earlier! thats not good enough xD
i appreciated it before but i already see people wearing this! =(((
if i buy them - i just will be in trend) that's all)
and i want to mind my own! is that even possible?xP like - to me?) that's what i'm guessing x)

as i started wearing clothes frm all saints and guess wat? everyone in my uni wears it now! damn those artists))))
hahahaha =P i'm proud of you xP srsly)
hehe :)
16.10.2010 в 03:08

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
and i want to mind my own! is that even possible?xP like - to me?) that's what i guessing x) think of something else which u think is cool and buy it IMMEDIATELY =)))

hahahaha =P i'm proud of you xP srsly) naaaaaah coz on some ppl d clothes look better than on me and its really irritating =S at least i was original but not anymore lol)

i just did it bit earlier! thats not good enough xD it is, believe me) some ppl dont know how to dress up even with magazines being thrown at their faces, so...)
16.10.2010 в 03:27

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think of something else which u think is cool and buy it IMMEDIATELY =)))
i will try!)
buuuut! i am questionning myself like by a etrnal question:D - can I create smth cool (true cool style, cool combination etc.) or everything cool that i will create will be still echoes of FASHION?)
you got it?) dont answer x)не хочу взваливать не тебя это х)

naaaaaah coz on some ppl d clothes look better than on me and its really irritating =S at least i was original but not anymore lol)
1. yes, you were first and it's the most important thing. u'r like the brain and they're just the bodies:-D:-D
2. ppl know who was first:smirk:

it is, believe me) some ppl dont know how to dress up even with magazines being thrown at their faces, so...)
i might sound snobby (in a wrong sense of this word lol)) but i don't want to be leveled as them. i don't look at them. i look straight forward :gigi: to the ideal.
so to me - true coolness - 100% your own style. your own mind's creation.

i'm so dorky yes xP
16.10.2010 в 03:44

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
buuuut! i am questionning myself like by a etrnal question bloody philosopher %))) :friend: haha i dont know wat i expected to hear from u haha the eternal question and discussion abt that i guess =)
i got it what u mean, but i think there will always be some basics and echo of ur cultural background or preferences) like...something cannot come out of nothing, sooooo i think it will echo fashion in one way or another, unless u invent something totally new, but i'm not sure if this is possible. worth a try tho) maybe one day u'll come up with something =)
but yeah, i think everything depends on ur background, u know what i mean?

yes, you were first and it's the most important thing. u'r like the brain and they're just the bodies ha at least x)
ppl know who was first oh yes! they do :vict: or they better know it!

might sound snobby (in a wrong sense of this word lol)) but i don't want to be leveled as them. i don't look at them. i look straight forward to the ideal. ooooook) nah, i don't think it's really snobby, i think thats d way ppl should think and progress)

so to me - true coolness - 100% your own style. your own mind's creation. if i knew how to construct clothes and other technical stuff of fashion....i would create something rly crazy lol)

btw, i have a guy at school - apart from being very talented and gd at painting portraits and figures (which i totally admire coz figurative art is my passion) he is also very orginal..well, original - like u can tell that he is english :-D , BUT the way he wears his clothes...i shall show u some photos lol, its freaky but original) + he wears make up, like eye liner loool tho it looks cool on him :lol:
16.10.2010 в 03:45

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
+ don't forget - PEOPLE COPY EACH OTHER, so u will always have to search for something original, because one day its urs, but the next - ppl take and use it
16.10.2010 в 04:04

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bloody philosopher %))):friend:
haha this is actually a great name to me - cuz i really am x)

haha i dont know wat i expected to hear from u haha the eternal question and discussion abt that i guess =)
ahahahahahaha like really!))))loooooool:lol:

i got it what u mean, but i think there will always be some basics and echo of ur cultural background or preferences) like...something cannot come out of nothing, sooooo i think it will echo fashion in one way or another, unless u invent something totally new, but i'm not sure if this is possible. worth a try tho) maybe one day u'll come up with something =)
but yeah, i think everything depends on ur background, u know what i mean?

cultural background - u mean environment or literally - cultural background?

oh yes! they do or they better know it!
yup, they better do :smirk:
and you know what?) at least - i know :smirk: :gigi::-D:cool:

ooooook) nah, i don't think it's really snobby, i think thats d way ppl should think and progress)
i think so too) i recently noticed that people retard me) generally, people retard each other. i think we really should not to look at each other and just develop by ourselves.
its like the main human problem. problem of "retardness" :D
i was thinking about the other day night and i wanted to write the whole post about that x) but i'm just telling you bout it and that's enough now xP

if i knew how to construct clothes and other technical stuff of fashion....i would create something rly crazy lol)
you can study this, you know it!) and i think you should ) one day.

btw, i have a guy at school - apart from being very talented and gd at painting portraits and figures (which i totally admire coz figurative art is my passion) he is also very orginal..well, original - like u can tell that he is english , BUT the way he wears his clothes...i shall show u some photos lol, its freaky but original) + he wears make up, like eye liner loool tho it looks cool on him

hahahaaaaaa) cool!!) yeah show me, show me his photos!! =PP
mmmm, i love people like that ^^
is he gay?):five:
16.10.2010 в 04:15

Пионеры, идите в жопу
+ don't forget - PEOPLE COPY EACH OTHER, so u will always have to search for something original, because one day its urs, but the next - ppl take and use it
yes. and thats ok! i dont mind.
i just need the knowledge that i created this. not copied. thats all.
16.10.2010 в 04:30

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
haha this is actually a great name to me - cuz i really am x) from now onwards i shall call u like this XDDD

cultural background - u mean environment or literally - cultural background? well, coz there lots of factors that affect us, i mean obviously a person from moscow and a person from erm lets say USA differs greatly by the way we think etc. i think it is important where u were born and grew up and who u grew up with. i mean, environment is a part of culture, but culture is such a broad term, its not only environment, nor it is only culture as some ppl understand it by matryoshkas ans traditional russian songs lol) u understand wat i mean?
obv u have ur own tastes and preferences - it is culture and u background. something on which u depend. and it doesnt have to relate to ur environment like u say u like british style and music - well, it is ur background in a way as well.

the thing is........we did all this in philosophy :lol: :lol: :lol: and i think what u struggle with is a problem of authenticity and if u are interested, there is a gd book, its called the ethics of authenticity by charles taylor - i think i suggested it to u some long time ago, but seriously - its not rly long, but gd to read!)

at least - i know TRUE COOLNESS :vict:

i think we really should not to look at each other and just develop by ourselves. when i had a tutorial with my teacher last tuesday, he said exactly d same thing - that i shouldnt look at others' art (students i mean, not d great masters), but i should work and experiment on my own and progress on my own) so, hell yeah! i agree with u :vict: :five: :gigi:

but i'm just telling you bout it and that's enough now xP oooh i feel honoured :-D seriously =)))

you can study this, you know it!) and i think you should ) one day. one day...apparently i need to go to another foundation course then....but u know wat? i dont see myself as a fashion designer - i cant imagine doing all this, i think i'm too weak for this career) but doing a course for myself sometime in a future -if i have time, then obv YES)

cool!!) yeah show me, show me his photos!! =PP ooook wait a sec i find some gd ones)

is he gay?) NOOOOO! thats d most amazing part of all this!))) haha apparently he said my art is pretty just like i am hahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: i feel honoured now :-D :lol: :lol:
16.10.2010 в 04:33

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
i just need the knowledge that i created this. not copied. thats all. but as long as i know u dont copy or look at anyone, u just like d thing and then sometime after it becomes popular, no?
16.10.2010 в 04:42

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
sorrrrryyy, cant find any decent photos of that guy! but when i find anything that will show his style totally - i'll post it here, ok?)
16.10.2010 в 05:04

Пионеры, идите в жопу
from now onwards i shall call u like this XDDD
hehehe okay xP

well, coz there lots of factors that affect us, i mean obviously a person from moscow and a person from erm lets say USA differs greatly by the way we think etc. i think it is important where u were born and grew up and who u grew up with. i mean, environment is a part of culture, but culture is such a broad term, its not only environment, nor it is only culture as some ppl understand it by matryoshkas ans traditional russian songs lol) u understand wat i mean?
yeak, kej, i got it now.
obv u have ur own tastes and preferences - it is culture and u background. something on which u depend. and it doesnt have to relate to ur environment like u say u like british style and music - well, it is ur background in a way as well.
yeaaa..i agree with you. but i have to think about it MOAR:Dso i'll tell you tomorrow, ok?xP i know it's funny but imma bloody philo xDDD so i just have to dismember(?) this idea into pieces:-D:fkr:
i promise i wont leave it)

the thing is........we did all this in philosophy:lol::lol::lol:

and i think what u struggle with is a problem of authenticity and if u are interested, there is a gd book, its called the ethics of authenticity by charles taylor - i think i suggested it to u some long time ago, but seriously - its not rly long, but gd to read!)
fuck, i rly should read all the stuff that you recommend...=| and i always want - but always is always)))
i will force myself this time x))
dont you know if i can find this book in russian?


when i had a tutorial with my teacher last tuesday, he said exactly d same thing - that i shouldnt look at others' art (students i mean, not d great masters), but i should work and experiment on my own and progress on my own) so, hell yeah! i agree with u

oooh i feel honoured :-D seriously =)))
hehehehehe we're so funny xP:-D look at us from the sidelines:-D

. one day...apparently i need to go to another foundation course then....but u know wat? i dont see myself as a fashion designer - i cant imagine doing all this, i think i'm too weak for this career) but doing a course for myself sometime in a future -if i have time, then obv YES)
why not to just study by yourself? just try. people do that! even in Russia x)
dont think about this as a career. just try to create. for yourself for example!) and people will ask from where you took this stuff - and you'll say that you did it youself and they will be like nooooooo =O "will you do it to me too? i'll pay!!"

ooook wait a sec i find some gd ones)
=Р =Р

) haha apparently he said my art is pretty just like i am hahahaha i feel honoured now
and how u're like in gis opinion? =P c'mon tell me)):D
16.10.2010 в 05:04

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to much green faces, too much xDDDDDD
16.10.2010 в 05:14

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but as long as i know u dont copy or look at anyone, u just like d thing and then sometime after it becomes popular, no?
i think i dont copy consciously but unconsciously. haha just look at this x) finally everything goes there)
we dont realise it but we copy. like the worst thing is that our heads are full of what mainstream companies, advertising want us to think and to buy. honestly - i didnt want to go there, but i really believe these things exist. like on the top of everything. they form our conscience.

wow i didnt really know i deeply think so and that i gonna say so until i did xDD
16.10.2010 в 05:14

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sorrrrryyy, cant find any decent photos of that guy! but when i find anything that will show his style totally - i'll post it here, ok?)
oki doki!
16.10.2010 в 05:18

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
yeaaa..i agree with you. but i have to think about it MOARso i'll tell you tomorrow, ok?xP i know it's funny but imma bloody philo xDDD so i just have to dismember(?) this idea into pieces
i promise i wont leave it)
ooook, coz its getting late and as usual, we have very intense conversation b4 getting into bed) aaaaaaah, some things never change :lol:

FUUUUCK YEAH! xDDDDDDDDD yeeeaaaaaaaaaah hahahahaha :lol2:

hehehehehe we're so funny xP look at us from the sidelines i knoooow) 2 psychos (in a good way, of course!))) but i dont give a fuck wat others think abt this :five:

why not to just study by yourself? just try. people do that! even in Russia x)
dont think about this as a career. just try to create. for yourself for example!) and people will ask from where you took this stuff - and you'll say that you did it youself and they will be like nooooooo =O "will you do it to me too? i'll pay!!
sounds very cool, but i need to learn some basics) i have my sawing machine tho at home in malta......should rly do something when i go der.......BUT, when i get money next month , i want to start knitting- well, i did it in d past, so now i want to do something very cool, like a sweater or at least a very cool scarf %)

and how u're like in gis opinion? =P c'mon tell me)) haha how the hell should i know that? pretty? i donno abt d style tho, lol but i dont take it seriously , coz i'm used to believe in something very opposite xD but he likes my art, i can rly see that, sometimes i guess he is also a bit jealous, tho i'm not sure abt this point, but thats d way i think) but that he likes it - for sure) in group crit he was d one who kept on asking me questions non-stop abt wat i did xDDDD

to much green faces, too much xDDDDDD haha i agree )
16.10.2010 в 05:18

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whyyyyyyy the fuck i wrote this post in english, why the fuck?!xDD
i woke up today at 14 pm - now its 3 am and i feel like after my french uni courses -TIRED xDDDDD
16.10.2010 в 05:27

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
think i dont copy consciously but unconsciously. haha just look at this x) finally everything goes there)
we dont realise it but we copy. like the worst thing is that our heads are full of what mainstream companies, advertising want us to think and to buy. honestly - i didnt want to go there, but i really believe these things exist. like on the top of everything. they form our conscience.

wow i didnt really know i deeply think so and that i gonna say so until i did xDD
soooooo finally everything makes sense?) honestly, i donno how u can release ur unconscious, but like imagine if u could and then use it to create something very ur own?
mmmm ^^
i think u r right, we are being constantly brainwashed, whether we want it or no....which is pretty sad, but how can u escape it? like ok, i dont watch tv (coz i dont have it lool), i dont read magazines, coz i dont have money to buy them (yeah, i'm not gonna spend 2-5 quid on this shit! even on dazed and confused and pop and other cool magazines), i dont rly watch d adverts and well, internet - i try to avoid reading something which may enforce my shopoholic instincts xDDD but still....like full isolation then is d only way?
tho at least with music i managed to get out of this mainstream shit)
16.10.2010 в 05:30

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
whyyyyyyy the fuck i wrote this post in english, why the fuck?!xDD
i woke up today at 14 pm - now its 3 am and i feel like after my french uni courses -TIRED xDDDDD
hahahaha its an english course u have now)))) next time u will think carefully b4 writing, coz u should know that someone will comment in english for sure!))))
like...i couldnt pass by just like that without commenting in english :eyebrow: !

i woke at 15 pm so........ :eyebrow:
16.10.2010 в 05:30

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aaaaaaah, some things never change
hahahaha =) exactly =)

i knoooow) 2 psychos (in a good way, of course!))) but i dont give a fuck wat others think abt this:five:
me neither, bro :smoker:
(of course we dont xDDDDDD i mean srsly - of course we dont!!! hahahaha))))))

sounds very cool, but i need to learn some basics) i have my sawing machine tho at home in malta......should rly do something when i go der.......BUT, when i get money next month , i want to start knitting- well, i did it in d past, so now i want to do something very cool, like a sweater or at least a very cool scarf %)
wow, you can knit??
u see! this is good for the beginnig!)
and i like yo plans - i'll watch u, girl, i'll watch u:smirk:
:-D<img class=">

haha how the hell should i know that? pretty? i donno abt d style tho, lol but i dont take it seriously , coz i'm used to believe in something very opposite xD but he likes my art, i can rly see that, sometimes i guess he is also a bit jealous, tho i'm not sure abt this point, but thats d way i think) but that he likes it - for sure) in group crit he was d one who kept on asking me questions non-stop abt wat i did xDDDD
aaaaaaah. so that's thaaaat guy!) ooook.
i thought maybe he told you..but no. ok)

well, this all is really cool, dude =)
i would love to see both - yours and his works.i mean, i'm sure they're good - i just want to see them)

is he the same guy that loves JJ?))

haha i agree )
i tried to reduce em this time..........yes xP
16.10.2010 в 05:38

Пионеры, идите в жопу
hahahaha its an english course u have now))))
hahaha, yes, i already thought tonight that i have good english practise with you) thanks! =)
i started to miss english here x) but this days of sickness made me come back:D
gosh, why do i love this language so much?x)

though even a lovely one but it is still a work for me to write this all..i mean - we're talking about fucking philosophy xDD and i'm intermediate leveled english user - just kill me:-D

next time u will think carefully b4 writing, coz u should know that someone will comment in english for sure!))))
noooooo, i wont even think - enjoy it way too much x)

like...i couldnt pass by just like that without commenting in english !:eyebrow:
and i'm glad you didnt!)

i woke at 15 pm so........
you dont have courses on friday?
16.10.2010 в 05:39

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
of course we dont xDDDDDD i mean srsly - of course we dont!!! hahahaha)))))) hahahahahahaha i cant stop laughing ya know? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

wow, you can knit?? a bit))) like i know d basics, but its not rly hard, just need more practice and thats it)

u see! this is good for the beginnig!)
and i like yo plans - i'll watch u, girl, i'll watch u
hahahah ok fiiine!)

aaaaaaah. so that's thaaaat guy!) ooook.
i thought maybe he told you..but no. ok)
aga))) thats d guy) ah, he is going to have his own small exhibition very soon - i'm jealous! :D :upset:

well, this all is really cool, dude =)
i would love to see both - yours and his works.i mean, i'm sure they're good - i just want to see them)
i have to take pics, tho actually i have some new stuff, i just never posted it to fb, its all vkontakte..maybe i shall share something)
and his work - yeah, its rly gd! if he posts anything - i'll show it to u))

is he the same guy that loves JJ?)) naaaah, thats another one) but if he liked JJ................... :eyebrow:

tried to reduce em this time..........yes xP oh yes, red smile rules :glam:
16.10.2010 в 05:48

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
hahaha, yes, i already thought tonight that i have good english practise with you) thanks! =)
i started to miss english here x) but this days of sickness made me come back
gosh, why do i love this language so much?x)
hahaha no problem bro :cheek: i do enjoy this conversation as well and apparently u speak in english (or, at least write xD), very well, like i didnt have a feeling that i'm talking to a russian person) lol, i speak and write in english with all my russian frnds who live in england or english-speaking country...wonder why)))

though even a lovely one but it is still a work for me to write this all..i mean - we're talking about fucking philosophy xDD and i'm intermediate leveled english user - just kill me hahahahahahahahahahahahahha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i'm laughing like crazy rite now hahahaha BUT agree, this is very useful) hahaha tho i had d same feeling when i started philosophy course) exteremely interesting, but bloody complicated as in expressing urself in english))) esp philosophy and all this eternal shit :-D

noooooo, i wont even think - enjoy it way too much x) ok dude, i take it for granted :gigi:

you dont have courses on friday? naaah, i usually do, but since it was an assessement week for me and i finished with everything on tuesday, i ended up waking up at 3-4 pm everyday since wed xDDDD
16.10.2010 в 05:54

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i think u r right, we are being constantly brainwashed
brainwashed! thanks!) thats the word i was looking for)

i think u r right, we are being constantly brainwashed, whether we want it or no....which is pretty sad, but how can u escape it? like ok, i dont watch tv (coz i dont have it lool), i dont read magazines, coz i dont have money to buy them (yeah, i'm not gonna spend 2-5 quid on this shit! even on dazed and confused and pop and other cool magazines), i dont rly watch d adverts and well, internet - i try to avoid reading something which may enforce my shopoholic instincts xDDD but still....like full isolation then is d only way?
i was thinking about it and decided that isolation is not the answer. its like we block the shit. whereas we should accept it and sort by ourselves. sounds pretty impossible, uh?)
i just cant imagine that) like - what a UPPER strong person mentally you should be to do this?
but we should.

i felt them litter me and i isolated for about 6 months. but no - thats not good) i wanna fight and win :sith: :-D

tho at least with music i managed to get out of this mainstream shit)
yesss) exactly same here x)
and its soo good - i feel that i can choose by myself ^^ fuck tv) thanks internet))
16.10.2010 в 05:58

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
brainwashed! thanks!) thats the word i was looking for) no problem)

felt them litter me and i isolated for about 6 months. but no - thats not good) i wanna fight and win i like ur attitude))) seriously) probaby yeah, thats d way...and i cant rly imagine how u can get isolated, like....living in a desert then?)) so yeah, guess its we should accept it and sort by ourselves

yesss) exactly same here x)
and its soo good - i feel that i can choose by myself ^^ fuck tv) thanks internet))
haha yeeer) and fuck radio %) sometimes i feel rly sorry for ppl who listen to all this mainstream coz they dont know d world of true music and dont know where to start from)
16.10.2010 в 06:04

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hahahahahahaha i cant stop laughing ya know?
ooooooh i know xDDDDDD

aga))) thats d guy) ah, he is going to have his own small exhibition very soon - i'm jealous!
thats very good you know him now) another thing you need - contacts. that's how it works, in my opinion)
and you're in a good placeto gain them:smirk:

i have to take pics, tho actually i have some new stuff, i just never posted it to fb, its all vkontakte..maybe i shall share something)
and you know what else do i think?)) that you should stop publishing your works on facebook etc. just maybe special places. like deviantart i dunno...
not now but some time later. like, i think, it would be good for your career) to start make it professionaly :cool:
dont you think so?

and his work - yeah, its rly gd! if he posts anything - i'll show it to u))
oh ok! i hope he'll do it!)

naaaah, thats another one) but if he liked JJ...................:eyebrow:
ahahhaha xPP
but he might like it, uh? :smirk::eyebrow:

oh yes, red smile rules:glam:
glamurnen'ko ^^ : D
16.10.2010 в 06:11

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
thats very good you know him know) another thing you need - contacts. that's how it works, in my opinion)
and you're in a good placeto gain them
yeah) BUT i suck at gaining contacts =\ ............=)

and you know what else do i think?)) that you should stop publishing your works on facebook etc. just maybe special places. like deviantart i dunno...
not now but some time later. like, i think, it would be good for your career) to start make it professionaly
dont you think so?
yeah i though so, actually i want to have my own website or maybe start using blogger or wats it called? but deviantart its all rubbish now, i dont rly like it
the thing is that i dont think that my work is very professional to publish it like that) it needs lots of improvement and i dont feel i shall show off it now)

but he might like it, uh? naaah =\ he is more into dubstep and party music, i guess...tho i dont know rly, ha, he likes bat for lashes as i heard, so at least something %) ah yes, he also likes depeche mode xD anyway i dont care and should stop stalking his fb xD

glamurnen'ko ^^ :vict:
16.10.2010 в 06:16

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i do enjoy this conversation as well and apparently u speak in english (or, at least write xD), very well, like i didnt have a feeling that i'm talking to a russian person)
woooow, really? <=o that's like the best thing you could say to me, thaaaank you!! ^^
(but again - iii know that...xDDD yes, that's not enough) but here it's a normal position of normal person ^^'

lol, i speak and write in english with all my russian frnds who live in england or english-speaking country...wonder why)))
i dont know why actually!) why?
cuz you're more comfortable to speak english already?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahha i'm laughing like crazy rite now hahahaha BUT agree, this is very useful) hahaha tho i had d same feeling when i started philosophy course) exteremely interesting, but bloody complicated as in expressing urself in english))) esp philosophy and all this eternal shit
just 1 word - YYYEEEESSSSSSSSS %)))

naaah, i usually do, but since it was an assessement week for me and i finished with everything on tuesday, i ended up waking up at 3-4 pm everyday since wed xDDDD
well, thats a good thing - you deserved rest ^^ right?)

i like ur attitude))) seriously) probaby yeah, thats d way...and i cant rly imagine how u can get isolated, like....living in a desert then?)) so yeah, guess its we should accept it and sort by ourselves

i like it too but its just philisophy - i dunno how to apply it in life (
thats my big problem that i cant solve x) and it bothers me all the time(

haha yeeer) and fuck radio %) sometimes i feel rly sorry for ppl who listen to all this mainstream coz they dont know d world of true music and dont know where to start from)
the saddest thing - they dont want to change anything( they dont explore =|
16.10.2010 в 06:22

Now the music divides us into tribes, You choose your side I'll choose my side
woooow, really? <=o that's like the best thing you could say to me, thaaaank you!! ^^
(but again - iii know that...xDDD yes, that's not enough) but here it's a normal position of normal person ^^'
haha i need to improve as well) i MUST GET ENGLISH ACCENT =) its like my main goal for now lol

i dont know why actually!) why?
cuz you're more comfortable to speak english already?
no idea! i just end up speaking with them just like i speak to u now)

you deserved rest ^^ right?) ooooh yes) but i think my level of fat percentage in d body rised during these days)))

i like it too but its just philisophy - i dunno how to apply it in life (
thats my big problem that i cant solve x) and it bothers me all the time(
i donno, like try to do something opposite what everyone is doing?
bloody hard tho, i agree. same with art here actually

the saddest thing - they dont want to change anything( they dont explore =| oh yes =\ narrow minded ppl....i think its d worst thing u can get in life - be narrow minded
16.10.2010 в 06:23

Пионеры, идите в жопу
yeah) BUT i suck at gaining contacts =\ ............=)
maybe that will come? : )
or some time later you should hire an agent.

yeah i though so, actually i want to have my own website or maybe start using blogger or wats it called? but deviantart its all rubbish now, i dont rly like it
the thing is that i dont think that my work is very professional to publish it like that) it needs lots of improvement and i dont feel i shall show off it now)

sorry, i dont get the - "you shall not show off it now." u mean - not to show them now to the public?

naaah =\ he is more into dubstep and party music, i guess...tho i dont know rly, ha, he likes bat for lashes as i heard, so at least something %) ah yes, he also likes depeche mode xD anyway i dont care and should stop stalking his fb xD
ok, thats already enough from him that he's cool:-D

dude, we should go...xD fuck yeah - its 4:23))))))awesome)))
Good night! :cheek:
i'll think about what i said i will think xD

gr8 conversation - as always:D