"So your proof is a 2000+ year old book written by people in the desert. And in that book it claims that there is an omnipotent man in the clouds that created the earth and the moon in three days, then created man, then a woman out of the ribs of that man. It then goes on to tell you that god came down to earth as his own son, walked on water, turned water into wine, and in his death he said that he was stabbed in the ribs for YOU. How do you not see the obvious bullshit in this story"
A classic american view of the religion.
why are those people so stupid and superficial? this point of view is ridiculous!
they are talking about religion like it's a kind of dirt. and the mad evil thing blah blaaah
meanwhile it's a greatest thing ever created by man - idea of love. what can be better than trying to be kinder to the other person?
i just dont get it. i dont get it