это тот самый человек, чей профайл я цитировала. написал мне.
правда я спровоцировала его, сперев ту gif xDD но всё-равно.. вот ведь бля. а еще раньше я добавила его в закладки, потому что он показался мне интересным.
-Yeah? I hope they get active again soon! Haha i didnt think of you as a stoner, "Rock it to the Moon" clicked for me when i was listening to it while coming home from work on a late evening by bus. It was dark, but a warm day, no wind and the streets where empty and the streetlights just swirled past by while i was hypnotized by the music. Deep man, deeeep. And it was terrifyingly hypnotizing when "The Boat" track came on and I was just walking past a dark forest. Just wanted to share that experience haha. Hey btw, if you like krautrock you should definitely check out the Finnish band Circle.
whoa! i'm so excited now! cause the first time i really appreciated electrelane was when i was going home too. it was a not sunny day. and the rain began. like a real downpour! people were running to hide of it and the street (huge avenue actually) was almost empty. i was aaaalll wet, jeans stuck on me, vans full of water. but this time i really enjoyed this all because electrelane made the mood!) i was listening to the "Five" and it was just soooo goood. like this song fited perfectly to the rain and to happy-and-wet me going home under the rain =D so yeah, it was the first time i thought "wow these band is damn cool". haha, maybe each person who likes elecrelane has it's own pretty similar story? xP i liked yours, i've drawn it in my mind and yessssss...fits great to your description. Like for me "Five" has a...i don't know how to describe.....like a metallic taste. let's call it so, i hope you get it x) metallic and pure. like the rain is. and fits great to the fast walking under the rain)
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